Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 8, 2018 - Toddler Science-Animals & Their Habitats

This month we talked about animals and their habitats.

Camouflage Clues-A Photo Riddle Book 
by Megan Cooley Pererson

Welcome Home, Bear-A Book of Animal Habitats 
by Il Sung Na

If All the Animals Came Inside 
by Eric Pinder

Wings, Paws, Scales and Claws-Let's Investigate Animal Bodies 
by Ruth Owen

Animal Adaptations-Camouflage 
by Jack Zayarny

Hide-and-Seek Science-Animal Camouflage 
by Emma Stevenson

Animal Camouflage in the Snow 
by Martha E. H. Rustad

We talked about how some animals use a layer of fat (blubber) to keep themselves warm in the cold weather then did a test with ice water and tried different materials in plastic bags to see which one gave the most protection from the cold. We tried bags with shredded paper, yarn, feathers and a bag with Crisco.
I laid copies of animal footprints around the room so the children could measure their foot against each animal footprint to see if their foot was bigger or smaller than that animals
We looked at different footprints and tried to guess what animals the footprints belonged to
We looked at skulls and tried to guess what animals the skulls belonged to

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